Best Guide to 7 Chakra and their meaning and their benefit when you wear them

Best Guide to 7 Chakra and their meaning and their benefit when you wear them


The chakras are thought to be energy centers in the body that extend from the base of the spine to the top of the head in Hindu and yogic traditions. There are seven primary chakras, and each has distinct characteristics and a corresponding hue. We will discuss how to balance the seven chakras for optimum well-being in this blog post.

1: Root chakra (Muladhara)

Color: Red

At the base of the spine, the first chakra, sometimes referred to as the root chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit, is connected to the element earth. It has to do with sensations of safety, stability, and rootedness. This chakra is thought to be in charge of our sense of security in the physical world, as well as our sense of belonging and instincts for survival.

When the root chakra is in harmony, one is said to feel secure and rooted. They feel stable and at home in their lives, and they have a sense of safety and security. They are less prone to experience anxiety or panic because they have a deep connection to their physical body.

An unbalanced root chakra can make someone feel unsteady, apprehensive, or insecure. Additionally, they could experience bodily symptoms like low back discomfort or immune system issues as well as a sense of disconnection from their actual physical bodies. It is advised to engage in practices that foster emotions of security and stability, such as meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature, in order to balance the root chakra. Among the crystals and stones related to the root chakra are black tourmaline and red jasper.



2: Sacral Chakra 

Color: Orange

The sacral chakra, sometimes referred to as the second chakra or Svadhishthana in Sanskrit, is situated immediately below the navel and is connected to the element water. It has to do with creativity, sexuality, and feelings. This chakra controls our creativity, desires, pleasure, and capacity to connect with others. It is linked to our emotional and sexual selves.

A person is believed to be emotionally stable, expressive, and creative when the sacral chakra is in balance. They are at ease with their sexuality and may openly express their emotions. They feel a strong connection to people and have a positive sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

A human may feel emotionally unsteady, sexually repressed, or creatively hindered when the sacral chakra is out of balance. They could also struggle to connect with people and feel unworthy of love. It is advised to practice hobbies that promote self-expression, such as art, dance, or journaling, to balance the sacral chakra. It is also beneficial to put your attention on developing good feelings like joy, enthusiasm, and pleasure. Carnelian, moonstone, and orange calcite are a few crystals and stones related to the sacral chakra.

3: Solar Plexus

color: Yellow

The third chakra, sometimes referred to as the solar plexus chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit, is situated between the sternum and the navel and is linked to the element fire. It has to do with one's own strength, determination, and self-worth. Our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and willpower are connected to this chakra. It controls our capacity for self-expression, decision-making, and action.

A person is considered to have a strong sense of personal power and self-esteem when the solar plexus chakra is balanced. They are capable of asserting themselves forcefully and making sound decisions. Additionally, they exhibit a strong sense of self-control and a positive outlook on both themselves and other people.

An unbalanced solar plexus chakra can make someone feel feckless, low on self-worth, and indecisive. Additionally, they could struggle with self-expression and feel powerless in their lives. It is advised to engage in activities that foster a sense of personal power, such as martial arts, power yoga, or taking on leadership roles, to balance the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is connected to yellow citrine and tiger's eye crystals and stones.



4: Heart Chakra

Color: Green

The center of the chest is home to the fourth chakra, sometimes referred to as the heart chakra or Anahata in Sanskrit, which is linked to the element air. It has to do with love, sympathy, and empathy. Our capacity for love, empathy and emotional healing are all governed by this chakra.

A person is considered to have a strong sense of love and compassion for himself and others when the heart chakra is in harmony. They are able to forgive and let go of grudges, and they maintain healthy relationships. They are also able to empathize with others and feel inner calm.

A person may struggle with relationships and feel lonely, resentful, or angry when the heart chakra is out of balance. Additionally, they could have trouble empathizing with others and be emotionally distant. It is advised to engage in activities that foster love and compassion, such as meditation, yoga, or volunteer work, to balance the heart chakra. Rose quartz and jade are two crystals and stones related to the heart chakra.




5: Throat chakra

Color: Blue

The base of the throat is home to the fifth chakra, also referred to as the throat chakra or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, which is linked to the element ether. It has to do with expression, creativity, and communication. This chakra controls our capacity for self-expression, efficient communication, and attentive listening.

An individual is believed to have a great ability to express themselves honestly and plainly when the throat chakra is in harmony. They listen well, are good communicators, and can effectively express their views and ideas. They also possess a strong sense of self-expression and the ability to believe in their own creative abilities.

A person may find it difficult to explain themselves, feel hesitant to speak their truth, or struggle to be understood when the throat chakra is out of balance. Additionally, they could struggle with appropriate listening skills or communication. It is advised to practice activities that encourage self-expression, such as singing, writing, or speaking in front of an audience, to balance the throat chakra. The throat chakra is related to blue sapphire and turquoise crystals and stones.



6: Third eye chakra

Color: Indigo or purple

Between the eyebrows, the sixth chakra, also called the third eye chakra or Ajna in Sanskrit, is connected to the element of light. It has to do with spiritual insight, knowledge, and intuition. This chakra controls our capacity for intuition, seeing the larger picture, and seeing beyond the physical world.

An individual is considered to have strong intuition and spiritual understanding when the third eye chakra is in balance. They have access to higher realms of consciousness and can see beyond the physical world. They possess the capacity for critical thought and prudent judgment.

A person may find it harder to trust their intuition and may be more prone to confusion and doubt when the third eye chakra is out of balance. They might also have problems thinking critically and understanding the big picture. It is advised to engage in practices that foster intuition and spiritual understanding, such as meditation, yoga, or journaling, to balance the third eye chakra. Amethyst and selenite are two crystals and stones related to the third eye chakra.


7: Crown Chakra

Color: Violet or white

The top of the head contains the seventh chakra, sometimes referred to as the crown chakra or Sahasrara in Sanskrit, which is linked to the element of thought. It has to do with enlightenment, greater consciousness, and spiritual connectedness. This chakra controls how we relate to the divine and how we perceive our place in the cosmos.

A person is believed to have a strong spiritual connection and a sense of comprehension of the cosmos when the crown chakra is in balance. They are at peace with themselves and have a profound connection to God. Additionally, they are profoundly aware of their own significance and position in the universe.

A person may have a sense of alienation, feel cut off from their spiritual side, and struggle to find significance in their lives when their crown chakra is out of balance. It is advised to engage in spiritually uplifting activities like meditation, yoga, or prayer to balance the head chakra. Clear quartz and diamonds are two crystals and stones related to the head chakra.



In conclusion, the chakras are energy centers within the body that are believed to govern different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By understanding and balancing the seven main chakras, we can improve our overall health and well-being. One way to help balance your chakras is by using Akashabead beaded bracelets. These bracelets are made from premium beads that are said to correspond to specific chakras and can be worn to help balance and align the energy within those chakras. Akashabead beaded bracelets are a fashionable and useful method to take advantage of the benefits of each chakra. Whether you're looking to improve your self-confidence, motivation, and willpower or reduce your anxiety and stress, these bracelets can be a valuable tool on your journey toward balance and well-being.

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